Quick Start

1 • Create Airtable Base

Give the base and table a name.

Create a number field to identify the record, such as a "ID".

2 • Generate two Airtable Access Tokens

Open Airtable.com/create/tokens

  1. Mapper with permission schema.bases:read

  2. 3DVista with permission data.records:read

Select only the base that you want to access for this.

3 • Get 3DVista setup code

As you are logged into Skin CMS, you create a new mapping. Fill in the mapping name as you like. Paste in the two access tokens you just generated in step 2, followed by the Base ID and Table name.

After filling out the mapping configuration, you hit Save and connect Airtable. Optionally you can already map one field such as the Title with a skin label in 3DVista called "Title". Otherwise Save mapping to continue. In the 3DVista setup tab, you click Copy 3DVista code to clipboard.

Then getting into your 3DVista project, go to Skin > Main Viewer > Add Action > Execute Javascript > On Initizaliation > paste setup code

4 • Add Triggers

As we've created in step 1 a field called ID with numbers starting at 1, we can use the following Javascript snippet to trigger the record.

window.BlazeCreators_skinCMS.openRecord(1, "ID");

To open record number 2, we just change the number 1 to 2. If you would rename the ID field to something else, then you'd need to rename that as well in the trigger.

That's it! Now you can start adding skin components in 3DVista, give those unique names and map them in Skin CMS.

Still having questions? Do not hestitate to ask! https://skincms.com/contact

Last updated