Creating a dynamic sentence that includes the product name and price.

The Airtable formula we use the most is CONCATENATE(). This formula can combine various other fields into one. Consider it a formula that can create sentences from words. Some words are static and other words dynamic.

In the examples below we have three products with product titles and prices.

To make static sentences, we use double quotes. Let's say: Buy this product.

Then we make a formula:

CONCATENATE("Buy this product.")

Nice Water


Buy this product.

Hard Rock


Buy this product.

Sharp Scissors


Buy this product.

As you can see, we have now always the same sentence. But what if we want to mention the product name instead? So we like to say something like: Buy this {product}. Now we need to use a comma to combine the static with dynamic as you will see in the example below.

CONCATENATE("Buy this ",{Product})

Nice Water


Buy this Nice Water

Hard Rock


Buy this Hard Rock

Sharp Scissors


Buy this Sharp Scissors

To take it one step further, we can make it a sentence that says: Buy this {product} for only {price}!

CONCATENATE("Buy this ",{Product}," for only €",{Price},"!")

Nice Water


Buy this Nice Water for only €1!

Hard Rock


Buy this Hard Rock for only €2!

Sharp Scissors


Buy this Sharp Scissors for only €4!

Now you've learned how to combine multiple fields into one sentence.

See what happens when you change the name of the product or the price. It will also update the formula.

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