Supported attributes

You can find a list of supported attributes for each component in the compatibility table:


Apart from the exceptions below, just use a simple text value. For example:

  • fontSize: #306230

  • fontFamily: Courier New

  • width: 100

  • verticalAlign: middle

General rule of thumb

In general, attributes can have values that you can set them in 3DVista. So for example, the Label's horizontal alignment in 3DVista can be set to left, center or right:

These are essentially CSS properties, in this case it's the property:

text-align (

Please, use the appropriate CSS values when working with attributes.

Special attribute usage




  • need to have the following format in Airtable: ["HEX_COLOR"]

    • for example: ["#009a00"]

  • make sure that you set the component's background opacity to 1 (or however you want) in 3DVista otherwise the background could remain transparent (which is the default):

  • if you want to achieve a gradient effect, you can add more colors like this:

    • ["#009a00", "#ff0000"]

If you encounter any issues while mapping attributes, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will update the documentation.


  • indicates whether the component is shown or hidden

  • accepts 2 values:

    • true - component is shown (visible)

    • false - component is hidden (invisible)

Usage tip: You can use this attribute when your dataset has some inconsistencies, for example Product A does have a secondary picture but Product B doesn't. You can create a formula field Product Secondary picture visibility and use its computed value to show/hide the 3D Vista secondary picture component.

Last updated

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